Download hijackthis software
Download hijackthis software

download hijackthis software

We expressly disclaim all warranties relating to these applications. You are responsible for the security and integrity of your system. We have no control over where these applications are stored, how they are modified, or how they are protected. We will always strive to provide you with verified, safe sources for these programs, but we cannot guarantee their safety. Please understand that, without the information provided by these tools, the technical support team is limited in what they can do to resolve individual issues and they might not be able to fix the problem you reported or provide you with further information. We also understand that not everyone likes to share information about their set-up with us. We understand that some people might be reluctant to download third party software, especially if unfamiliar with the software in question. Below we have provided more information about the programs you might be asked to run.

download hijackthis software

We request that you download and run these tools to gather information about your PC, your network connection and the programs you are running. When you contact Technical Support for help, you may be asked to download a third party program to help us diagnose the problem.

Download hijackthis software